Saturday, January 18, 2014

I want to stay fit even when i get older.

Assalamualaikum semua.
Hello. Just came back from a long run. (Ahaaaa!! Kene tipu. Haha.) Not that long. But at least I had sweat, good sweat. *smile. It's my first run for this year, 2014, after a month. -_-“  sangat unhealthy lifestyle sejak akhir ni. But I do control my appetite, just eat what I need. Not what I want. And still been struggle for it. It is not for being slim, for now, just to keep fit. Padahal dah givup tiap-tiap tahun asyik niat nak kurus, tapi masih maintain cam ni haaaa. Haha.

Bila usia semakin meningkat, aku semakin health conscious.Yalah, tengok keadaan sekeliling kawan-kawan, parents, and orang sekeliling. Merisaukan. Nak-nak lagi perihal makanan manis, yes I do love dessert, but lepas tu pasti aku minum banyak air putih. Lately terfikir, aku patut minum air mineral instead of air R.O. at least my body absorb something then just A water. Right? It's good for ur health too. I’m sure.

A friend told me back then when I turned 25 last week, he said my natural collagen will stop produced to my body and I have to take supplement. Hmmm. Penghasilan collagen will decrease 1.5% setiap tahun after 25. Oh mai. That is why you will look older because the kilang collagen dalam badan dah tutup. -____-“
I don’t mind to look older, everyone pasti akan tua, but I want to stay fit and healthy. Even I want to look healthy in my skin. Haha. Sebelum ni aku tak bape kesah sangat pasal supplement, (selain dari hanya untuk Si Lutut kesayangan, makanannya Glucosamine), aku tgk knkwn punya lah sebok beli collagen tu ni tok cantik. But I just don’t give a damn about it, sebab my mama cakap I don’t really need supplement till u r 25. So, aku tak amek lah sampailah sekarang ni. But bila dh dengar and read myself bout the natural collagen, they all advice for us, 25 year OLD lady to take other supplement to stay cergas. Hmmmm. And now, I don’t know which one I need most.

Bawang, soya, tomatoes, veges, telur, almods, and absolutely fruits, semua ni lah yang boleh tambahkan collagen natural. And of cause, semua pun memang makanan favourite aku. I just need to take them continuesly in a healthy way, cara memasaknya pula. Raw or over cook. Urghhh. Leceh pulok. Haha. Other than that, I try to stay take a glass of milk, everyday. But seperti korang tahu, milk kat Malaysia tak lah murah nau, but aku cuba make sure minum every 3 or 4 days. Kalau hari-hari lagi baik. Kan? Slaloo amek susu HL, aku kene ada backup susu, powder one, Anlene. Sebelum ni minum, I don’t know why I stop drink Anlene. Mari kita start semula? (: aku suka minum minuman panas, specially Nescafe. Haha. And I guess lately I am addicted to it. -_____-“ so, ini salah satu cara nak mengelakkan dari minum too much caffeine I guess, gantikan ngan hor Anlene milk. And it's a deal!! (with myself. Ahaaa!)

Supplement yang berjenis pill, aku rasa, I will take Fish Oil. Even I haven’t buy yet. But I will, next month. And I hope, this will keep me good. Insya-Allah. Exercise, sleep well, healthy food, love and pray. Insya-Allah apa yang kita idamkan tercapai, just istiqamah and tawakal. Good luck rakan-rakan. *wink!

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